Who We Are

Vaishnavi Tallury, MA, OTR/L is a licensed Occupational Therapist with 13 years of experience in pediatric, school-based OT, as well as a certified yoga instructor. Seven Mothers was born while Vaishi was on maternity leave with her second child and struggling with her own postpartum challenges. Having knowledge and skills in rehabilitation, she knew what she needed to do, but just didn’t have the capacity to do those things. This struck her with the question- how can we better prepare women for the transformation into motherhood? In speaking with other mom friends, she found she was not alone in this struggle and two common themes emerged: 1.) It takes a village and 2.) We were prepared for the challenges of bringing home a newborn, but not adequately prepared to take care of ourselves in this new role of “mother.”

Vaishi immediately knew this was her calling and that she would utilize her experiences as a yoga instructor, occupational therapist, and most importantly mother, to help prepare expectant mothers for Matrescence. The perinatal period begins during pregnancy and continues up to a year after giving birth. Through the lens of occupational therapy, Vaishi supports mother and baby as a holistic unit to promote connectedness and well-being. Vaishi has completed trainings in perinatal mental health, lactation, and birth story processing. She is working toward her Perinatal Mental Health Certification.

Vaishi lives in Washington, DC with her husband, two daughters, and 10-year-old dog who still acts like a puppy. She is excited to serve mothers and babies during this critical perinatal period.

Read our Fit4Mom DC blog post to learn more about Seven Mothers!

In Hindu mythology, the Goddess Vaishnavi is one of the Saptamatrika, or Seven Mothers.

The name Seven Mothers Perinatal OT was chosen to represent the many identities we possess as mothers, as well as convey a sense of community.